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Selecting A Vendor

How to choose a reputable manufacturer and applicator

  • Window films are designed to deliver specific benefits and address your specific concerns. Film selection and quality varies considerably among manufacturers – choose a brand that you recognize and a product that best fits your requirements.
  • Since you (and tenants) will be expecting a film to perform for many years, it is critical to select a manufacturer and applicator you can trust so that you can be assured that they have the financial stability to be in business over the long term to service any warranty issues.
  • Select a dealer/applicator that is certified by the manufacturer and has the proven experience to ensure you get a high quality install. An often overlooked element is how a dealer/applicator operates. Dealer/Applicators need to be comfortable dealing with demanding tenants.
  • Installing window film properly requires skill. Companies who provide film as a sideline (i.e. auto tint, window coverings, etc.) or those companies that utilize third party contract installers may not offer the same experience as dealers whose sole business is flat glass window film.
  • Ensure the abrasion resistant coatings on the film will allow typical ammonia based window cleaners to be used.
  • Ask for warranty statements in writing. Be sure the warranty (usually between 10 and 15 years) includes both film and removal & reinstallation labour.
  • Ask for previous installations and references – the lowest price is often the highest cost over the long term.
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Royal Glass

Bay 2 #2 Erickson Crescent
Sylvan Lake, AB


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Window Film Canada
(Head Office)

10 Butterick Road
Toronto, Ontario

Toll Free: 1-888-267-3206

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